Democracy and Human Rights

Enhances citizens to participate in decision making processes, generate their own priorities and hold their leaders accountable. Carryout evidence-based advocacy to influence policy outcomes and ensure a transparent, corruption free society

Human rights awareness continues to be a major concern to the people of Uganda and the various stakeholders because it’s a fundamental pillar of good governance, development and key prerequisite for high quality service delivery. There has been tangible progress in establishing the required legal and institutional framework to foster human rights education in Uganda. However, citizen participation in human rights work is still low. CSOs have invested considerable amount of time in building a conscious and informed citizenry of their human and democratic rights. However, these efforts have yielded limited results, and recent developments raise doubts about the level of awareness of human rights among the citizens. This partly accounts to the high corruption levels in Uganda and abuse of people’s rights.

Uganda has very many laws and policies in place. However, these laws are not known both in context and text by the citizens. The citizen participation in the process of their making is so limited. The laws are known of their existence only when they are broken. The citizen participation in decision making processes is so limited and to a few elites. This has increased corruption, crime rates and social economic tension in the region.

The discovery of oil has made the situation worse. Land grabbing, very low civic competence and a passive society becoming increasingly manifested in mid-western region. This has led to poor service delivery since citizens do not actively engage their leaders to demand for services.
a) Promotion of Human rights, Awareness creation and advocacy
b) Promote Civic education
c) Promotion of Integrity and Human Rights Club.
d) Build community confidence in addressing issues/ challenges that affect them through Democracy Village Initiative
e) Strengthens Citizens Participation in Health and Education Service Delivery